The school of Santa Engracia (Zaragoza), has been the protagonist in the section “Escuelas en Red” of the newspaper El País. This school is one of the partners of PIECIT and the article by Rodrigo J. García, entitled “Learning, community identity and sustainable development”, reported on the experience that Santa Engracia has carried out in the area around the school and in the town as a whole under the title “The Forest Route”, which aimed to strengthen links with the territory, enhance local identity and generate new learning environments through collaborative experiences. All the school’s students took part in the project, at the time of its development they were 24 between nursery and primary school. This practice also forms part of those that CEIP Santa Engracia has uploaded to the PIECIT Inclusive Schools Network. Red de Escuelas Inclusivas de PIECIT.
“Aprendizaje, identidad comunitaria y desarrollo sostenible”. El País