The project Inclusive practices of creative and innovative teaching with ICT / TAC in schools with special difficulties (PIECIT) (2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-095780) held its fourth and last transnational meeting at the Lusófona University of Lisbon, as the project enters its final stretch. It was on 30 and 31 March 2023 when representatives of the seven entities that make up the project met at the facilities of the Lisbon university. Campus Iberus (namely University of Zaragoza, University of Lleida and University of La Rioja), Lusófona University (Portugal), University of Ferrara (Italy) and University of Cyprus (Cyprus), and the educational centres CEIP Santa Engracia (Zaragoza, Spain), Istituto Comprensivo n. 6 Cosmè Tura (Ferrara, Italy) and the Royal Academy of Portugal (Lisbon, Portugal), are the participants in a project that has developed a “Network of Inclusive Schools” which, at present, has reached the figure of 35 educational centres. In addition, the PIECIT team has analysed the inclusive, innovative and creative practices that these schools are carrying out, especially in contexts of special difficulty.
The Lisbon meeting, in addition to analysing the state of the project, also served to finalise the manuals resulting from this analysis, which are intended for working on educational inclusion with management teams, teachers and families. In addition, the II Conference: International Scientific Seminar PIECIT Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty, organised by the project itself on 17 and 18 May at the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza, was launched. The conference will discuss educational inclusion and innovation and creativity, and will be free of charge, with 20 travel grants of 300 euros for people presenting papers from abroad and another 20 travel grants of 100 euros for those from outside Zaragoza (Aragon).