The Erasmus+ project Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty (PIECIT), will hold on 17 and 18 at the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza the II Conference: International Scientific Seminar PIECIT Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty. This conference is the closing of the PIECIT project which, during the last two years, has analysed these inclusive and creative processes through ICT/LKT in schools with special difficulties. Throughout this period, a “Network of Inclusive Schools” has been created, which includes 35 educational centres, and manuals have been generated through which, based on the materials derived from the inclusive practices collected in the network, they address how to work in an inclusive and creative way with management teams, teachers and families. The project is led by the Campus Iberus Action Group “Inclusive Education in rural, urban and peri-urban areas”, made up of researchers from the universities of Zaragoza, La Rioja and Lleida. Begoña Vigo Arrazola, professor of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Zaragoza, is its director. The other partners are the University Lusófona (Lisbon, Portugal), University of Ferrara (Italy) and University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus), together with the educational centres CEIP Santa Engracia (Zaragoza, Spain), Istituto Comprensivo n. 6 Cosmè Tura (Ferrara, Italy) and the Royal Academy of Portugal (Lisbon, Portugal).
The conference is structured over two days, 17 and 18 May, and is aimed at both researchers and educational centres, as well as other professionals and people interested in this field. The conference is free of charge. The programme includes the presentation of the results of the PIECIT project, lectures by speakers who are specialists in the field, among others. Proposals for papers or posters can be submitted until 28 April 2023. It is also possible to attend the conference without submitting a proposal, although it will always be necessary to register for the conference, which will close on 16 May.
The PIECIT project offers participants the possibility of accessing travel grants. On the one hand, 20 of 300 euros each for international congress participants from countries other than Spain. On the other hand, 20 of 100 euros each for national congress participants from outside the Autonomous Community of Aragon. On the congress website, you can consult the assessment criteria that will be followed to distribute the grants.
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