The Erasmus+ project Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty (PIECIT), has carried out the II Conference: International Scientific Seminar PIECIT Inclusive Practices of Creative and Innovative Teaching with ICT/LKT in Schools of Special Difficulty. It took place at the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza and included conferences, round tables and the presentation of papers on educational inclusion, and specifically inclusive and creative practices in education. More than 100 people registered and attended the conference, coming from the different Spanish regions and from other countries such as Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, etc. In total, 43 papers were presented, corresponding to researchers, doctoral students and schools, which showed what activities they are carrying out in this direction. The conference also included the presentation of the handbooks on inclusive practices in education that have emerged from the PIECIT project, aimed at management teams, teachers and work with families. These manuals are available in open access on the PIECIT website.

This conference has been one of the milestones of the PIECIT project which, over the last two years, has analysed these inclusive and creative processes through ICT/ICT in schools with special difficulties. Throughout this period, a “Network of Inclusive Schools” has been created, which includes 44 schools in Spain, Italy, Portugal and Cyprus. The project is led by the Campus Iberus Action Group “Inclusive Education in rural, urban and peri-urban areas”, with Begoña Vigo Arrazola, professor of Didactics and School Organisation at the University of Zaragoza, as its director. The other partners are the University Lusófona (Lisbon, Portugal), University of Ferrara (Italy) and University of Cyprus (Nicosia, Cyprus), together with the educational centres CEIP Santa Engracia (Zaragoza, Spain), Istituto Comprensivo n. 6 Cosmè Tura (Ferrara, Italy) and the Royal Academy of Portugal (Lisbon, Portugal).

The project will also develop activities in each of the three partner schools. On 2 June, CEIP Santa Engracia will hold an event where the results of the project will be shared, especially in the field of inclusive practice guides.

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